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      Corporate wellness programs are offered to companies who want to give health promotions to their employees. Talk to one of our special trainers to see what we have to offer for your specific organization.  
           Six Benefits to Work Site Wellness

It is no longer a matter of speculation. Consistent with the newly emerging work site wellness literature, there are a number of tangible benefits associated with work site wellness programs.

Benefit #1: Improved Morale

As the organizational culture begins to change as a result of your health promotion efforts, you and your employees may actually begin to see and feel a new level of energy within the organization. Ultimately, one of the most ambitious goals of any comprehensive health promotion program is to attempt to influence the attitudes and actions of the organization's most valuable resource -- its employees.

Benefit #2: Reduced Turnover

As we all know, employee replacement costs can be quite high for any kind of business. The effort and expense associated with running employment ads, reading applications, checking references, interviewing qualified candidates and hiring, and training a new employee can be a serious burden on any business. In light of the challenges that high employee turnover poses, many businesses are looking to health promotion programs as an additional perk that can help to prevent employees from jumping ship.

Benefit #3: Increased Recruitment Potential

In the midst of a very tight labor market, businesses are forced to pull out the stops in order to recruit new talent. In some instances, health promotion can prove to be a very valuable tool in sealing the deal.

Benefit #4: Reduced Absenteeism

When an employee misses work in a business setting, the entire organization is forced to absorb their responsibilities. Even in the event of the occasional absence caused by things like colds and the flu, work can back-up and tensions can build.

    Even worse is a long-term absence caused by a major health event that requires hospitalization and/or rehabilitation. By preventing certain types of illness caused by poor lifestyle habits, health promotion programs can play an important role in reducing absenteeism.

Benefit #5: Health Care Cost Containment

Most businesses don't start a health promotion program with cost containment in mind. However, cost containment for certain health problems should be considered a viable goal by many businesses.

Benefit #6: Improved Employee Health Status

 One of the greatest advantages of a well-designed health promotion initiative is the promise of improved health. While not conclusive, there is a growing body of evidence that suggests that well-designed health promotion initiatives can successfully impact such behaviors as smoking, high-risk alcohol use, exercise, nutritional habits, seat belt usage, and stress.